Tuesday, July 26, 2011

All You Need is Love

I think it is time to meet the bright lights in our life. Our companions, our children, our four reasons why we do what we do in this life.

This is our youngest LuLu or Lucky. She is a Daddy's girl. Before Nathaniel and I met each other, when she was a kitten, she was left on my doorstep in the middle of a cold February night in a box with a garbage bag full of cat food, little box, toys and treats. I was known in the neighborhood for rescuing cats and finding them homes. However, with this little one, I had a feeling she was to stay in my life somehow, yet I could not keep her because I had my three and my sister (who I lived with) had a cat as well. My other sister took her in at first; however she did not get along with a toddler. So Nathaniel made a home for her while I helped out with the expenses. Soon we moved in together and she has grown so much over the two years. Once called Bruce Lee for the flying jumps in the air and off of furniture - she now lays around waiting for Daddy to come home for cuddles.

Vi, is our second youngest. Before I moved in with Nathaniel and Lulu, she was the baby of the house. She loves attention and the moment you sit on the couch she is on your lap in a heart beat. She is also a Daddy's girl, which unfortunately leads to some squabbles with Lulu from time to time - but they are getting better with each other and sharing. Vi has a sad story. She was brought into the animal clinic my good friend was working at with a huge gash in her stomach and four malnourished kittens. The owner decided that it was too costly to have her fixed and opted to have her put down instead. The Vet decided that he would not do that to a perfectly healthy cat and told them to pay the "put down" fee and he would fix her up take her on and her kittens and find them new homes. My friend came over for dinner that night and told me her story, I was instantly in love. The next day, I visited her and when I saw her I knew she was coming home with me. In no time the skinny little cat became my pulp Vi. Unfortunately, out of her litter of four only one survived - but he is in a good home and very loved, just like our Vi.

This is our FuFu aka The Dink. This cat has so much personality, I sometimes wonder if she was human in another life. I have many more of these types of pictures of FuFu which describe what she is like. I got her as a kitten my first year of university from the Humane Society. I was originally going with with my girlfriend at the time to adopt an older cat because we both felt we did not have the time to look after a kitten with both school and work. However, when we were in the room visiting with all the cats, I was looking at a cat in the cage below this little fur-ball of a kitten. Then all of sudden I felt this paw latch into my hair and when I looked up she gave this mighty 'Meow' with another paw lunging out, as if to say "Take me". From that moment, I knew she was mine. I begged and my girlfriend relented - it didn't help that FuFu has this way about her. Over the years, I have watched her grow from this little kitten who's tail was bigger then her become a stinker of a cat who no matter what she does or gets away with she makes us laugh. Whether is if licking our arms to wake us up in the morning or laying on the table while we eat. She is our Dink.

Last but surely not least, this is my Caesar, The Man of the House. He holds a very special place in my heart. Caesar has been with me since I was 16 years old. He is the oldest yet the youngest at heart. I am proud of how healthy and active he is at his age. Many people who first meet him are shocked to realize how old he is, when he looks and acts so young. For eleven years, him and I have been through a lot together; moves, bad and good landlords, breakups and makeups, new friends and old friends. I always said to new potential relationships that if Caesar did not approve of you it would not work. I am very happy at how him and Nathaniel get along and the blast they have when they play.  He has always been there to help me laugh and cuddle me when I was feeling sad. I have always felt connected to animals all my life, yet for some reason, I feel very connected to my Caesar. He is my littler Emperor.

All four of our feline children are special and each have their unique qualities that make them wonderful members to our family. They are members of our family and I would never see them any other way. 

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