Wednesday, February 16, 2011

All that Shit is Gone

"Take care of Yourself: If something or someone makes you feel bad, don't let it ruin your day by making you sad. Let go of the hurt and take care of you. You can't control what others say or do." - Incredible You, Dr. Wayne W. Dyer

A very true and dear statement to me. Living such a way has been a journey in its self. Breaking free from the mental and emotional mind games we play with each other as a way of asserting our control over another Being. You can't control others, nor can others control you - no matter the blood relation or social status.

It has been an interesting Day 1 in fulfilling my needs and realizing my wants. When I began on this journey three years ago of self improvement and realization a lot of personal drama erupted around me. This ranged from friends, lovers and even family.Over the last few years some of these dramas died down, particularly with friends and past loves, when I finally allowed myself to be me and I witnessed who could handle this new woman and who could not. However, the family drama still ensues - not as chaotic as it once was - yet from time to time the family drama rears it ugly head, as it did last night at 1:30 am disrupting my husband and I from our dreams.

However, I find that with each situation I can see the truth and identify the patterns much more quickly and resolve my feelings and thoughts around it in a peaceful manner. My return to the practice of meditation has helped me to not feel vulnerable, stand my ground and remain centered. I feel that every so often this family drama surfaces as a test to see where I am at in my own personal/spiritual growth. I have forgiven the various individuals who have turned against me and attacked me for my choice of life-partner, life path, and even lifestyle (being a Vegan).For I have come to realize that in forgiving others for their actions allows for us to heal. Holding on to the past and pain only blocks us from growing and achieving our dreams.

When I came home this evening, Nathaniel, in his little ways, reminded me off all this. I arrived home to have yellow roses waiting for me with a birthday card (it is not my birthday - he believes everyday is your birthday), an inspirational child's book written by Dr. Wayne W. Dyer, mini angel cards,  beautiful signs with the words, "Inspire, Dream, Serenity" all strategically placed on the walls, and lastly, his first attempt at making Vegan chocolate cupcakes and icing (I do all the cooking/baking). I was deeply touched and reminded about how out of everything and everyone I may have lost in the last few years, in one person I gained the world.

So today's post was an insightful one. Who knows what the next will be - maybe a ranting on the awesomeness of Star Trek and the amazing Frittata I had for dinner last night.

Now off to eat some amazing Lebanese! MMmmm I hear a Vegetarian Shawarma with Vegan sauce calling me name ;)


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